Egg Color: Blue - Medium
** These are a working project- although genetics is a science, there may be situations or issues we never predicted or expected in the variables. Please breed at your own risk š¤£ **
These are our favorites, but they are still a working project. But anything from this coop=== is a stunner and one-of-a-kind. We feel blessed to be offering these, but even more fortunate because the creator= of the Blue Legbar, Patrick Joseph Reindel Jr., who owns and operates The Big R Ranch in Caldwell, Idaho, also added Christine Simpson's line of legbar chicks to this variety. If you are unfamiliar with Christine Simpson, she resides in Canada and has the last of the unrelated imports of legbars brought to the US by GFF. We are going crazy over this gorgeous line, which lays beautiful blue eggs. We are lucky to have added a bit of these to our flocksāeven more luck in acquiring these beautiful blue legbars.
When I started this project, I only had one hen, a blue legbar, so for the last three years, we have been breeding them to cream legbars. The results should be 50% cream and 50% blue legbars. We always appeared to get more Cream Legbars than Blue Legbars. I am happy to say we finally got a good-looking Blue Rooster and are taking this project to the next level.
In this pen, we create- White, Splash, Blue, or Cream Legbars. The Blue and Cream are easy to auto-sex at hatch. The Blue Legbars as chicks may resemble creams in coloration. As they age you will see the subtle changes and their feathering and they start to get a blueish hue.
These we breed like Black, Blue and Splash -- Replace the Black with Cream.
To our dismay--- the White and Splash chicks can be difficult to sex at a day old-- due to time limitations, so these and the Splash are sold straight run.
We have found the following--
Blue x Blue= 50% blue, 25% Cream , 25% splash
Splash x Splash= 100% splash
Cream x Blue= 50% Cream, 50% blue
Cream x Splash= 100% blue
Blue x Splash= 50% blue, 50% splash
25% of the chicks are white
**Our Blessful discovery - Early 2023, we hatched a few test eggs as we do with all of our coops before opening them up for the season. We discovered we have the recessive white gene in our blue legbars. Our hatchlings/chicks, on average, are 25 % white.
** We hate to limit selling these, but with this being a working project, at least until some of our younger hens start laying a limit of one dozen per purchase. ** Chicks 10 -- these could be white, blue, cream, or splash legbars- straight run. ** If we can determine gender -- you will get pullets-- Please be aware that all orders are custom-- so if you want chicks, there is at least a 21-day wait.
We suggest that due to the nature of these that they are blue based-- even the whites - these should not be used with Opal Legbars or their Splits. These work well with cream legbars.
If you have any questions, please reach out.
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